Hormone rooting Raazopon



Rooting hormone for hard and soft wood cuttings021

Effective matter : 3 -Indol butyric acid

Usage  instructions :

To get a fresh solution of rooting hormone please follow the following steps :

– dissolve 5 g of RHIZOPON in 0.5 liter of alcohol until  complete dissolution ,

keep the mixture in an closed bottle  , in a dark and cold place .

1-  when you want to use the solution , mix it with an equal quantity of distiller water .

2- dip the lower part of the cutting ( 2-3 cm )  for 10 seconds in the mixture .

3- Leave the cuttings a little time to dry and then plant it in suitable conditions .

4- get rid of the remains solution in a proper way .

Toxicity : LD50 : 100 Mg /Kg